Saturday 10 May 2014

VK RP Character #1 Hoshiyomi Yui!

Yui basically is my Main Character, her name is also my own Japanese name that I made for myself.

Name:  Hoshiyomi Yui 星詠み優衣

Alias/Nickname: Yuu



Race and Level:
 Vampire , Level C

 Night class student
Yui has an average height for her age; she stands at 160cm, which is quite normal for a teenage girl. She is slim and looks weak as her weight is only 42kg, which is seriously underweight for one at the age 18. She has waist length wavy dark brown hair, her front hair almost covers her eyebrows. Yui has a pair of dark brown eyes that match to her hair. She has very fair skin since she seldom goes out during daytime.

Most of the time when she is in the Academy or outside having a walk, she dresses up in Cross Academy Uniform for Night class and let her wavy hair down. However, when she is in the dorm, she wore normal T-shirt, jeans, sport shoe and tie her hair in a pony tail. Sometime she also wore one piece dress with twin pony tail. In her room, she always wears one piece silk dress pajamas, which sometime she also walks around in the dorm dress like that, of course that is when most o the people is asleep already.

When out of the Cross Academy, Yui dress up in long-sleeved, one piece dress with a bit of Lolita style. She always dresses up in dark colors clothing because she does not want to be "stand out" in the public. While walking on the street, she wears coat and only take off when taking a rest inside a 


Yui often doze off during the class and when she got nothing to do. She treats people kindly if they are nice to her. In fact, for those who being rude to her, she will be rude. She is honest, arrogant and quite stubborn. Yui’s 6th sense is very strong compared to other vampires and very clumsy at cooking. It tends to be a disaster when she enters the kitchen without someone looked after her. She only opens her heart to those who are very dear to her, well normally she hide everything, including her emotion and feelings towards the others. When nothing to do, she usually stays in her own room translating lyrics or read some books in the Library.

Yui always tense up when there's Hunter or someone related to Vampire Council around her. When she is in a bad mood, she will also lock herself up in the room alone instead of go around and bragging about it to the others. This is because she never wanted to show her weak side to the others.

Before the incident happens during her childhood, Yui is a very, I mean VERY cheerful and friendly girl. She always has that cheerful smile on her face, and rarely cry. She is a very outgoing girl, often go out to her family.

~Other Information~

-During sleepless nights, Yui always went up to the roof, then start to doze off again then sing the requiem that her parents always sing to her with a soft voice.

-Every weekend, she will ask for permission to go out to the city in order to buy her favorite food, Melon Bun, from the bakery.

-Her birthday is on March 15th, horoscope is a Pisces and Blood group is B. Yui’s favorite color is Black and White.

-Her sense of direction is just totally…..GONE!

~Character Goals~

-- Revenge for her family.
-- Make all the traitors that involve in the incident (Assassination of her family) Vampire Council vanish.

~Powers, Abilities and Notable Skills~

-- Mind-reading along with the Telepathy
-- Fast regeneration
-- Immune to poison and human diseases
-- Expert in sword skill and some martial art
-- Singing

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