Friday 2 May 2014

I'm Back to Blogger~ Weee~

Heeeey bloggers! Once again, I'm back to Blogger ._.
Don't ask me why 'cause I don't even know that myself~ Nyahaha~
So yeah, I'm here again... and I'm trying to write something but I have no idea what should I write~
Okay then, about what I done recently... Hmmm~

Yeah~~ I started a blog with my honey best friend~ Yeah exactly like... 15 minutes ago! Cool! Right? 
It is a blog that own by me and she, and for your information, this is not the blog I talking about~
It is another one call Snowflakes Cat, the name is in Japanese.
We have agreed that we wrote post in Japanese in that blog, But~~~
I highly doubt that I will write in full Japanese ._.
I only know fragmented Japanese~~~ Poor me~ TwT
And ~~ I know she will end up vomiting blood if she read my post that full of Japanese grammar errors... 
I mean, I already wrote hundred and million of grammar in English... 
How can you expect me not write anything wrong in another language?! QAQ
The higher your expectation, the more disappointment you will get~ Got it???
Don't expect much from me! xD Try bear with me if you wanna read my post~ Nya~ 

I guess I will continue next post ._. Have to deal with another blog as well.... *sighed*

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